Budget Update Document Tips & FAQs

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This guide is organized by sections of the Budget Update Document (BUD). Each section will include tips, followed by frequently asked questions regarding topics that pertain to that section. Users may perform a search on this webpage by pressing the Ctrl and F key on their keyboard at the same time and then entering a word to search.


  • Google Chrome is the recommended web browser; ensure that you have the latest version.
  • Verify the document often. At first creation of the document, it is recommended that all users perform the verify action. This will ensure that any behind the scenes calculations are updated. Additionally, as users proceed through the document they should verify to update calculations for changes in position information and/or non E&G transfers.

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BUD Access

Why did I get an error message in *DEFINE when trying to access the BDL command?

The BDL command in *DEFINE is not available for fiscal years FY 10-11 and beyond. Users may only access 09-10 and prior year BDLs in *DEFINE. For FY 10-11 and beyond, users should use the web budget update document (BUD) accessed via https://utdirect.utexas.edu/budget/bud.

How do I gain access to the BUD?

Authorizations for the BUD are handled via the Electronic Office Management (EOM) System. Also, authorizations are dependent on the environment in which you are accessing the BUD. For training purposes, our quality assurance (QUAL) environment is used. EOM exists in QUAL as well. Your electronic office manager will need to place you on an electronic desk that's authorized for the budget document (command 'BDL').

Why can I create a budget but my coworker cannot, even though we are on the same desk?

This is related to their desk access settings; they will need to contact their Electronic Office Manager to review their authorizations.

I changed the fiscal year on the change desk/view screen, but the documents listed on the Create, Status, and Mass Approve Page are for a different year. Why?

The fiscal year on the change desk/view does not affect the BUD. Additionally, the fiscal years on the Create and Mass Approve pages are locked because these pages are only applicable to the next fiscal year.

I changed my desk and view, but I still get an error telling me I'm not on the right desk/view. Why?

After changing your Desk and View, click the button "Update Authorizations" and close the Change Desk/View window. You may need to reload/refresh your BUD page for the new Desk and View to take effect.

I know the budget group number of my document. How do I view the document?

You may enter the budget group in the search field at the top of the Budget Update Document, on the Home tab, the Budget Group Create tab, or on the Document tab.

I created a document, and it doesn't appear in my inbox. Where is it?

The standard Electronic Document Inbox default is the 'For Your Approval' tab. You will need to select the 'Created Documents' tab.

I am encountering errors in the document, where do I report these?

UT Austin users can visit the BUD Issue Submission page to report an issue.

I selected several budget groups I want to create on the Create Page and then got the next set of budget groups and selected several of them. After clicking the 'Create Selected' action, the first budget groups still appear as not created. Why?

After selecting the documents to be created, click the 'Create Selected' button before going to the next set of budget groups. The Create page does not remember which documents you've selected from a previous page.

I deleted a document by accident. How do I get it back?

If you delete a document, it can be re-created via the Create page. Your document will be re-created and any updates you made before deleting will have been saved.

What is the endowment payout rate?

The estimated payout rate for FY 25-26 is $0.4332. This rate is pending approval by the UTIMCO Board and the Board of Regents.

How can I find the LTF units for a budget group?

If the 57 account is known, use GB1 in *DEFINE and enter the 57 budget group with the 21 sub in the Account field and press enter. The LTF units will list in the bottom right of the screen. If the 57 account is not known, you can look it up by using the GBR command in *DEFINE. Enter the 30 budget group in the Account field and press enter. If the 30 budget has a related 57 account, it will be listed. This account can then be entered in the GB1 screen.

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Account Summary

I noticed that there is a reserve for salaries appropriation code and a merit pool appropriation code. What is the difference?

The salary reserve appropriation codes (2C – faculty, 2D – A&P, and 2M – Classified) should be used when reserving a lump sum base pay or an earnings amount for a position or positions. The merit pool appropriation codes (2N – faculty, 1M – A&P, and 3M – classified) should only be used for budgeting merit pools.

I cannot update my non-E&G transfer that is receiving funds from another account. Why?

Non-E&G transfers can only be updated in the funding account BUD (has the "transfer to "appropriation code). Updates in the document will automatically update the recipient BUD (has the "transfer from" appropriation code).

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Position Restrictions Costing and Worker Position Earnings

Position Information

  • Information extracted from Workday for the budget process includes positions in Position Management (PM) supervisory orgs with Position Restrictions Costing Allocations (PRCA) for the budget fiscal year period (9/1 – 8/31), TN/TT Faculty, Administrative & Professional Staff, Classified Staff Salary, Academic Salary and No Base Pay compensation plans. For filled positions, the worker's annualized compensation amount is extracted. For unfilled/vacant positions, Default Compensation amount is extracted.
  • For the Initial Position Load, the BUD-Workday integration runs monthly from Sept through Feb/Mar with the last load being submitted just prior to opening BUD to CSUs. The BUD-Workday Refresh process runs daily after the BUD is open to CSUs. Extracted records are compared to BUD records and the differences are flagged in the Position Restrictions Costing and Worker Position Earnings sections of the respective BUDs.
  • Worker Position Earnings information is extracted from Workday for workers in PM supervisory orgs with the following compensation plans: Faculty Endowed Supplement, Faculty Endowed Supplement-2, Permanent Supplement, Permanent Supplement-2, Academic Administrator Supplement, and Regental, as well as costing for earnings valid for the entire budget fiscal year period (9/1 –8/31).
  • Positions with 0 hours, 0% time, and/or $0 rate will not load to the Budget Update Document. Note: Rate is only applicable if the position is filled.
  • Hourly, retired, and non-tenured faculty position types are not budgeted.
  • Position allocation in the BUD is calculated using position hours x rate or FY baseline x funding distribution. The BUD does not use incumbent hours when calculating allocation.

We have a PRCA, from 9/1/21 and ending before 8/31/22, why is it not included in the BUD?

The PRCA must be valid for the entire budget fiscal year period (9/1-8/31) when it is loaded to the BUD or included in the daily BUD-Workday Refresh process.

Why is there a circular icon next to a position in the bud that wasn't there before?

The 'Change' icon indicates a difference exists between the BUD record and the corresponding Workday record. Clicking the 'Change' icon will open a window, displaying the BUD and Workday value tables. CSUs with update status will get an 'Update' button to perform the action.

How do I add a new funding record from Workday into the BUD?

Option 1 - When a new funding record is added to Workday, the 'Add New' icon (plus symbol) appears in the BUD and indicates a new funding record was either added or modified in Workday since the initial position load.  These records do not exist in the BUD and are excluded from salary account calculations Clicking the 'Add New' icon will open a window, displaying the workday record values.  CSUs with update status will get an 'Add to Bud' button to perform the action and recalculate salary account totals

Option 2 – Users who can make updates in a BUD will have access to the 'Add New Record from Workday' functionality in the BUD. Entering a position ID in the form and clicking the 'Find Position' button will initiate a service to query Workday real-time and find the requested position. If found, the position information will display in a modal where updates can be made prior to adding the position to the BUD.

How do I research for which positions a Refresh Action exists for my unit?

From *DEFINE BRD, run report BDJGUPRE to get a list of Workday Budgeted Positions – Refresh records by Unit.

How do I research Budgeted Position Restriction Costing Allocations for my unit?

From *DEFINE BR1 or BRD, run report BDJGUWCA to get a list of Workday Budgeted Position Restriction Costing Allocations Funded by Unit.

I expected this position to load to my BUD, but it's not listed and not included in my BUD-Workday Refresh records list. Why didn't the position load to my BUD?

Along with other criteria, the main requirement for a position to load to the BUD is valid position restrictions costing allocations (PRCA) effective for the budget fiscal year period. In addition, the cost center/account for the position's PRCA must be budgeted.

Should hourly positions be included in our budget?

No, hourly positions should not be included.  Hourly positions identified in the BUD will be logically deleted.

We were attempting to move a position from one budget group to another since the funding will be changing effective 9/1 based on budgetary constraints. Are we able to move positions 'on the fly' like this in the BUD, or will it always require a two-step process where the PRCA must be first updated in Workday and then we wait for the nightly BUD-Workday Refresh process to pull it in so we can add it in the BUD the following day?

There are three options for this scenario:

  1. Yes, you can update the PRCA in Workday and wait until the daily BUD-Workday Refresh process to pull in the record and make changes in the BUD.
  2. You can use the 'Add New Record from Workday' form to find the position in Workday and then load to the BUD.
  3. You would add the salary allocation in the Reserve line in the applicable BUD. However, at some point you would still need to add the PRCA in Workday.

The difference is "when" you would add the PRCA in Workday.

I have two new, filled, positions in my department with October 20xx hire dates that are in my PM supervisory org. Neither position loaded into the BUD. I have checked their costing allocations.

If a position is not loaded to a BUD prior to the BUDs being opened to CSUs, then the position has to be added to the budget via the BUD-Workday Refresh process or the 'Add New Record from Workday' form.  

The BUD-Workday Refresh process compares BUD position funding records to Workday. The process identifies differences and eligible Workday funding records not currently in the BUD. It utilizes the BUD-Workday integration and runs daily at 7AM. In order for a position to be included in the process for the FY 20xx-xx budget, the following criteria must be met:

  • The position must be in a PM sup org
  • The position must have a pay type of monthly
  • The position must be in one of the following job categories - tenured/tenure track faculty, administrative & professional, or classified
  • The position must have position restrictions costing allocations valid for the 20xx-xx fiscal year
  • The position must have a valid budgeted position FTE% effective on 9/1/20xx.

The 'Add New Record from Workday' form is available to users with update status in a BUD. A position ID is entered, and the 'Find Position' button is selected. This initiates a real-time query in Workday. If the position is found, then the information is displayed in a modal where the user can make updates before adding the position to the BUD.

Department has termination notices from a number of faculty and they were told not to process the termination until 30 days prior to effective date. Do they reduce their budget, in the reserve line, for those employees?

You can reduce the budget in the reserve line for faculty that have given termination notice, but please confirm with EVPP on how they expect them to be handled.

If they are able to add termination now to WD effective 8/31/22, will it automatically load to the BUD? Reducing the budget?

If they are able to add termination effective 8/31/22, it should show up on the BUD-Workday Refresh process since the PRCA ends prior to the new budget year, it should give an error message that no WD information is available and the recommendation to delete the position from the BUD.

PRCA missing subaccounts in the BUD

If CSUs have opened a BUD prior to the Budget Office being able to add the subaccount, the CSU must add the subaccount so that positions can display.

PRCA added in Workday, but position isn't showing up in BUD

It could be due to the following reasons:

  • BUD missing sequence number – once the sequence number is added, the position will show up in BUD after BUD-Workday Refresh process completes the next day
  • Workday has an end date prior to budget FY
  • Effective dates not updated in PRCA

Positions confirmed in Workday showing $0 salary in BUD

Rather than reject these positions based on incompatible funding, the Budget Office decided (with the FY10-11 budget) to overwrite the funding sub-account based on the position's job category (which is determined by job profile information).  Since funding for salaries can be pooled which may be reflected in position restrictions costing, the BUD position load will overwrite the sub-account in certain situations.

Mismatched salary subaccounts identified for a position between Workday and BUD.

Rather than reject these positions based on incompatible funding, the Budget Office decided (starting the FY 2020-21 budget) to overwrite the funding sub-account based on the position's job category (which is determined by job profile information).  Since funding for salaries can be pooled which may be reflected in position restrictions costing, the BUD position load will overwrite the sub-account in certain situations.

I need to remove a significant amount of A&P and Classified staff listed and replace them with different staff members – different EID/position ID.  Many of the names listed have moved onto other accounts due to funding changes or new project funds.  I could not locate a section on the document where to add a new EID/position.  Is it possible to add an EID/position to a state account?  If not, how should I proceed?

Yes, it is possible to add a position to an account in the BUD. Users who can make updates to a BUD will have access to the 'Add New Record from Workday' functionality in the BUD. Entering a position ID in the form and clicking the 'Find Position' button queries Workday in real-time and finds the requested position. If found, the position information displays in a modal where updates can be made prior to adding the position to the BUD. 

I am trying to add positions to 19-xxxx-xx.  It seems by the below, that I should be finding a + to add positions, but I don't see it.

It's possible that you are not seeing the + 'Add New' Icon for the various positions you are trying to add to the BUD has to do with the data present in Workday. In order to add a new position into the BUD there must be a Position Restriction Costing Allocation present in Workday. You will have to ensure they each have Position Restricting Costing Allocation data in Workday. Once that is added to Workday, the BUD-Workday Refresh process will run at 7AM the following morning. Once that has run you should see the + 'New' Icon in the applicable salary subaccount line. Additionally, updating the distribution percentages in Workday for the positions you are currently seeing in the BUD will allow you to click the 'Change' icon and overwrite the necessary distribution percentages in the BUD with the data from Workday.

I am trying to add a position to an account but I can't seem to find a way to do it directly in the BUD, is it possible? Or should I process it in Workday?

Users who can make updates to a BUD have access to the 'Add New Record from Workday' functionality in the BUD. Entering a position ID in the form and clicking the 'Find Position' button queries Workday in real-time and finds the requested position. If found, the position information displays in a modal where updates can be made prior to adding the position to the BUD.

For the position to be picked up in the BUD-Workday Refresh process and become available to add in the BUD, their Position Restrictions Costing in Workday must be updated. Once the Position Restrictions Costing has been updated, the refresh process will pick up the costing. It will also flag that costing in the Position Restrictions sections of any BUDs involved in the change. In this case, the BUD for the XX-acct will have a 'Add New' icon in the Position Restrictions section and you can add the position to the BUD there. Just keep in mind that the refresh usually only happens once a day in the morning, so there may be a slight delay before the position can be added to the BUD.

Does effective date play a role in the integration process for changes to the BUD?

Yes, the integration selects records that are effective 9/1 of the budget fiscal year. If the effective date is a date range, then the integration process will select records that are effective for the entire budget fiscal year (9/1-8/31). This doesn't mean that the record's start date has to be 9/1 and the end date has to be 8/31. The start date can be prior to or on 9/1 and the end date can be open, after or on 8/31. However, since PRCA is used by Budget only and we budget for a complete fiscal year, we strongly encourage users to start and end PRCA by fiscal year (i.e. start 9/1 and end 8/31 or open-ended).

I have a filled position that loaded as vacant. What happened?

The BUD looks at assignments that are active 9/1 of the next fiscal year to determine incumbent. Please check Workday to see if the current assignment has an end date.

The 8/31 column for my vacant position isn't the last incumbent's rate. Why?

The 8/31 rate for a vacant position pulls from the current year default compensation amount, which may be different than the incumbent's rate.

I have a position that has Additional Pay, but the position did not load to my document. What happened?

The BUD only loads worker position earnings that are effective 9/1 of the next fiscal year. For faculty, the worker position earnings are Faculty endowed Supplement, Faculty Endowed Supplement 2 and Academic Administrator Supplement; and for A&P, the worker position earning are   Permanent Supplement, Permanent Supplement 2 and Academic Administrator Supplement. Please check Workday to see if the worker position earning is one of these types and that the worker position earning exists on 9/1 of the next fiscal year (note: if the worker position earning does not have an end date, it does exist on 9/1 of the next fiscal year).

When adding the position ID, does it not matter if there is no position restriction costing allocation for them in Workday? Will adding them to the BUD automatically create a position restriction allocation for them or will cost center managers need to go into Workday and add the position restriction manually?

When adding a position via the 'Add New Record from Workday' form, it does not matter if the position has position restrictions costing allocations or not in Workday; however, there are restrictions on which positions users can add to the BUD (see below). The form allows you to add new costing (position restrictions and earnings) in the BUD separate from Workday. Cost center managers will not need to go into Workday and add the position restrictions costing manually.

After the budget is approved in August, the position restrictions costing in the BUD will load to Workday via an EIB initiated by the Budget Office. Earnings in the BUD are not loaded back to Workday. The EIB process will end any existing position restrictions costing in Workday and add new costing from the BUD effective 9/1/2022.

Valid positions for the BUD include:

  • Active positions as of Sep 1st of the budget fiscal year
  • Positions that exist in a PM supervisory organization
  • Positions in Academic, Classified and Administrative & Professional job family groups
  • Academic faculty positions must be Tenure or Tenure-Track
  • Valid compensation plans for positions include Salary, Academic Salary and No-Pay Salary Plan

Valid earning types for positions include Regental (for president only), Faculty Endowed Supplement, Faculty Endowed Supplement 2, Permanent Supplement, Permanent Supplement 2, and Academic Administrator Supplement

How do I use Budgeted Position FTE?

The Budgeted Position FTE custom field is an effective dated field used to track the FTE % of a PM position in the Budget. This field is one of several components used to estimate salary allocations in the Budget Update Document (BUD).

The Budgeted Position FTE does not have to match the Worker FTE. The Budgeted Position FTE is the FTE for the position itself - with or without the worker. In general, if the position is normally 1 FTE (100%) then you should budget for a Budgeted Position FTE of 1.00000, regardless of the current worker's FTE.

If a position is funded in multiple BUDs, the Budgeted Position FTE must match across all BUDs. However, the distribution can be adjusted to get to the desired account allocation.

To update the Budgeted Position FTE for a position in Workday, please review the View and Update Budgeted Position FTE WIG.

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Longevity and Hazardous Duty Pay

When will we get the longevity forecasts?

The Longevity and Hazardous Duty Pay reports are accessed via BDJGUGAD on the BRD command in *DEFINE. These reports are usually ready to run by the time the BUD is opened to CSUs. The reports are based on data pulled from Workday around February or March of the current FY. To submit the report, enter a unit code for the desired Dean/VP unit. The Fiscal Year on the submission screen is defaulted to current FY. The reports use calculated state service months for the BUD FY, and the forecasts are based on pay schedules found in the Longevity Pay and the Hazardous Duty Pay policies in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.

When I run the BDJGUGAD, I'm only getting Hazardous Duty Pay and not Longevity (or vice versa)? Where's the other information?

The output from BDJGUGAD consists of two spreadsheets. One of them contains Hazardous Duty Pay and the other contains information for Longevity. Select the spreadsheet that contains the desired information.

Why am I seeing workers that have recently left the department?

Since the reports are based on Workday data gathered on a particular day, they are to be used as forecasts or estimates. When reviewing, please consider personnel changes that might have taken place since the data was gathered.

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Salary Expenditures

I have a question on calculating a forecast for a salaried position on an account that is charged fringe and the admin fee. Which one is the right calculation?

  • Calculation 1:  Salary $50,000 * 1.348 (30.9% for Fringe + 5% for Admin Fee) = $67,400
  • Calculation 2:  Salary $50,000 * 1.309 = $64,900 * 1.05 = $68,145

The right calculation would be Calculation 2. The fringe expense amount would need to be combined with the salary expense before applying the admin service charge.

For updated fringe rates, please refer to Payroll's Fringe Benefits website.

Should all icons under the Flag column in the salary portion of the budget be clear when they are approved?  We are running into a situation where someone has updated the Distribution in the budget, and the circular arrow shows in the Flag column as a change.  However, if we make the change (which cannot be reverted) it will undo what they did in the Distribution.

The 'Change' icon will flag differences between the BUD and Workday. The change could have happened in Workday, or it could have happened in the BUD. If the change was intentionally made in the BUD, you can safely ignore the flag. Please refer to the Icon Legend Details popup (via the BUD position listing screens) for more information.

Should Faculty Merit Promotions be budgeted?

Please confirm with EVPP (Provost's Office) as to whether or not Faculty merit promotions should be budgeted.

We were told not to put any dollars in a merit pool, so I increased this position's funding to more than what we actually expect to pay. Our HR department may go into Workday later to correct the percentage of funding and $ amounts later, is that okay?

The BUD data loads back to Workday's Costing Allocations for Position Restrictions (aka PRCA) and Default Compensation in Positions Restrictions, it doesn't affect how a person is actually paid. CSUs don't always budget the same way they pay for a person. For instance, someone could be paid between several accounts, some of which aren't budgeted, but they want to budget the entire salary amount in one budget group. This is fine as long as the funding is adjusted so the positions is not budgeted more than 100%.

Can you tell me where that amount, [the fringes], comes from in our budget? Like who currently budgets/pays that for the four positions in my office?

In general, if a budget group has a CFF report code, then fringes are charged to the budget group but are reimbursed with central funds. If a BUD is a 14 or 20 account, it is assumed that it has centrally funded fringes even without a CFF report code. Only those 14 or 20 budget groups with report code NCF need to fund their own fringe costs.

For updated fringe rates, please refer to Payroll's Fringe Benefits website.

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Reconciliation and Transfers

I received an error message when I tried to create a transfer in the BUD from an account in one unit to an account in another unit. Error message reads: Error creating offset transfer: Audit errors from BDNPBACA, cannot add offset transfer.

Transfers with accounts from different units generate this error. This needs to be handled within the Budget Office either through creating the transfer in the BUD or creating a commitment and adding it to the BUD for the units.

Will a transfer between two E&G budget groups be permanent and load into next year's BUD documents?

When a transfer or commitment is added into a BUD, it becomes permanent. For an E&G account, they will not see the transfer line the following year but that amount will load into next year's budget as part of the allowable budget.

I initiated a transfer but am unable to itemize the transfer on the "transfer to" account.

When itemizing a transfer between accounts you can only itemize in the "from account", but not the "to account".  If you itemize the transfer line on 19-1xxx-xx, you should see the corresponding itemization on 19-2xxx-xx. If not seeing the itemization on the transfer to account, they need to verify their BUD to see the corresponding itemization.

Appropriation codes and transfer-to on 14 accounts.

For transfers made on E&G BUDs (14 and 20 accounts) you will not need to enter an appropriation code.  Use the BUD Navigation Menu and select Account Transfers. You will see a + icon with a circle around it with "Add account transfer."

I am trying to budget a new budget group and when adding a transfer sub account, I get the following error message: Transfer budget group does not have a valid sequence number.  Please contact the Budget Office to have a sequence number assigned.

Send an email to bd.help@austin.utexas.edu requesting to add a sequence number to the budget group and your budget contact will let you know once it is added.

When using a beginning balance on the BUD, does the current year ending balance need to show a balance of at least the beginning balance (BB) amount?  (For example, for our $500K BB, we should show at least $500K in our current year ending balance.)  Or, could we "make up" the difference over the course of the year, if our ending balance is less than the beginning balance amount?  Meaning we would find expense savings or additional revenue that would balance out our budget over the next fiscal year.

It would be the first scenario mentioned. We would need confirmation that the current year ending balance will be at least $500K before we would be comfortable with budgeting that amount as a beginning balance. If you expect some more potential revenue throughout the year will help hit the $500K, then we could categorize those dollars under an income estimate line. We would then reduce the beginning balance to something more in line with what you're expecting to have.

Can I budget a beginning balance (BB) in a 14 account to cover a salary?

BB can't be budgeted on E&G accounts; reduce the distribution of the budgeted position.

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Other Resources


Please find training materials on the Budget Office Website: https://budget.utexas.edu/resources/training

User not getting "Add to Bud" option in commitment system.

Add to BUD –This action is available for transaction groups in the Budget Items section who have a fiscal year selected for the budget currently available for updating.

  • Clicking Add to BUD updates the Reconciliation section of E&G BUDs for both the From and To Accounts.  For non-E&G accounts, the Commitment information will display in reconciliation.
  • Once the Commitment information is available in the Reconciliation section of the BUD, the commitment can be Itemized or Transferred as needed.
  • Once a transaction group is in the BUD, it can no longer be modified without first removing the transaction from the BUD.
  • For all transaction groups added to the BUD in the currently updateable budget, the user may remove the group by clicking 'Remove from BUD'. This will remove the Commitment from the Reconciliation in the BUD for both the From and To Accounts.

How do I set up a new account?

The following link provides the needed information to request new accounts: https://afm.utexas.edu/financial-accounting-and-reporting/account-creation-and-control

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Is it important to Verify?

  • Verify is a button in the document actions section on the Document Review & Approval tab.
  • Verify the document often, especially if it has positions or non-E&G transfers.

How do I return a document to a prior user?

The RPA (Return to a Prior Approver) action in the actions pull-down on the Document Review & Approval tab allows a user to return the document to one of the previous approvers of the document.

How do I print?

The print to Green Output action (PRW) is available in the actions pull-down on the Document Review & Approval tab. A print submitted via PRW will route to a user's eReports folder on Austin Disk. For more information on Green Output, go to ITS Green Output. The output from PRW will deliver in a single PDF document; the budget group number will be in the document name. If a user also has a PRT (Print to a Local Printer) action available in the actions pull-down menu, a print submitted via this action routes to the user's local TID printer.

How do I recall a document?

The recall function is not available in the BUD. Documents can only be returned by someone on the current desk of the document using the RPA action.

Why am I getting a "Document needs more approvals before final processing" error message?

All BUDs require at least two approvers before routing to the Budget Office. FYA the BUD to someone in your CSU who can review and approve the document. Afterwards, the BUD should route to the Budget Office.

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Visit the BUD Report Info page before approving documents forward.

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